Keystroke macros allow you to control where and how serial data appears in the target application program in Keystroke Mode.

Input only data you need and ignore the rest. Basic Data Parsing Capabilities allow you to split incoming data into fields.

The DDE command set allows you to create extremely powerful device control interfaces from within any other program that supports DDE, e.g. Includes an advanced set of DDE commands that allow other Windows applications to take complete control of all Wedge functions, including serial output functions. Data Transfer by DDE to any Windows application.Data Transfer as Keystrokes directly into any other application program.Supports all COM ports. Install on up to 16 serial ports on a PC for data collection from many devices simultaneously.The DDE capabilities allow you to do things like use simple macros in Excel to perform fully bi-directional serial I/O functions.

WinWedge Standard can also be controlled using Dynamic Data Exchange.
It also has Hot Keys that you can define for sending prompts or commands out a serial port to a device simply by pressing a hot key on your keyboard as well as a full character translation table for translating individual characters to either specific keystrokes or to other characters. The Standard Edition has basic parsing and filtering capabilities for dealing with either fixed length or delimited data records. It has two modes for passing incoming serial data directly to other programs: a "Keystroke Mode" where incoming data is passed to other programs as Keystrokes, and a "DDE Server Mode" that passes data to other programs using Dynamic Data Exchange. WinWedge Standard is designed as a simple program for interfacing most typical RS232 (serial) devices to a PC. directly to other Windows programs running on the same workstation as WinWedge. The Standard Edition is the perfect tool for interfacing simple devices such as balances, scales, barcode scanners, pH meters, measuring instruments, calipers, gauges, GPS receivers, etc.